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Herbal Consultations now open by Donation

We have lots of Canned Veggies, Jams and Jellies at our CSA in Loma, Colorado.

It started with a Love for each other, our Lord, and wanting a healthy and sustainable life.  We purchased a blank slate with 10 acres and a Home in Loma, Colorado and spent many years Regenerating the land and creating our Garden of Eden.  We now feel our calling is to share it with you and our community by providing Healthy food near you, and Herbal Consultation (new for 2024).  Wether its Pasture raised meats or saurkrauts for your gut health, we have it at our  New Farm Market and CSA.  Did you know we have an orchard , vinyard and food forest with over 7 Apple trees, 6 Peach trees, 4 Cherry trees, 3 Apricot trees, 30 + Goji bushes,  Pear trees, Fig Trees, 3 Mulberry trees, over 16 Grape vines of different types, Currants, GooseBerries, Raspberry and Blackberry bushes and more, Each season we have lots of variety of fruits available.   Who said you can't have a food forest in the Desert.......


In 2023 we built new mobile coops, Retrofitted a greenhouse into a brooder room, and raised money for a new commercial kitchen -  market building for the onsite farm market and training center. We also offer Classes on how to raise and process them and preserve farm fresh food so you have the skills you need to survive in the times ahead. 


We recently became a Charter for the Weston. A. Price Foundation and will be giving seminars in the coming year.  Planned for (2024) We have a huge Permaculture project this spring consisting of 4 swales and a pond for water conservation , the swales will be planted with fruits and nut trees, nitrogen fixers, native plants, and forage for our goats and possible Zebu cattle and we can't forget our Donkey Eden that protects all the animals on the farm.  We will also be turning a large greenhouse frame into a meeting hall and tea room. So join our mission, enjoy events on the farm, get to know us - people say we are pretty cool folks,  and get healthy products.   God Bless.

© 2023-2024 Roots From Eden llc - all rights reserved

Proudly created By L. Heiser